Sunday 4 March 2018

Mikkeller/Brewdog/Nogne - Black Tokyo Horizon

The icy weather we have been having just cries out for big stouts, and this is a fusion of three of the biggest stouts out there. Mikkeller's Black, Brewdog's Tokyo* and Nogne's Dark Horizon! All three breweries got together at Brewdog and put this beast together. I have been lucky enough to savour all three on their own and none of them let me down in terms of flavour and heft. So I was looking forward to tasting this.

I bought this on my first visit to friends in Aberdeen and my first visit to Brewdog's flagship bar in 2013. Since then it has been sitting in my stash until now.

A bottle of Black Tokyo Horizon
Black Tokyo* Horizon
In the glass this is pitch black, completely opaque! It has a small tan head which went as quickly as it formed, which isn't surprising given the age and style. I didn't have to get my nose too near the glass before I could smell the wondrous aromas of malt and treacle, think the smell of a treacle soda farl and you are in the right ballpark. This was mingled with raisins, fruit cake and roast, bordering on a slight smokiness.

The taste fairly much followed the nose, with that malty breadiness being the predominant flavour. As it warmed, all the dark fruit comes through with added chocolate and a muscovado sugar sweetness. In terms of alcohol heat, there isn't much. Don't get me wrong you know you are drinking a big beer, but that 15.2% is hidden scarily well.

All in all this was exceptional and everything I like about imperial stouts!