Sunday 22 March 2015

So we all like a challenge.....

some will take you an hour, others a lifetime. I fear the challenge that I was inspired to undertake by Gary is one of those lifetime challenges. To work my way through “1001 Beers You Must Try Before You Die”.

Unlike Gary I have no intention of reviewing all beers in this brew bible, more likely it will be the odd update should I be reviewing a beer that appears on the list. By way of first update I have managed to knock 193 beers of the list, so still a fair way to go.

A bit of a warning to anyone who wants to attempt this feat, it will hit the bank account hard. Mainly due to beers that are difficult to obtain locally, which living in Belfast means this is largely the case although that situation is improving. This will lead you to online drink stores, I will finish this post with some that I have tried and others recommended but haven’t tried yet. Even with the online stores, I have resigned myself to the fact that some of these beers will only be obtained through travel. Not a bad thing in some cases; but travelling all the way to South Africa just to get Castle Lager isn’t going to happen. But with an up and coming trip to Belgium on the cards I do hope to plough through the Belgian section – both on location and by bringing others back.

Another point to note, if you are a completist you will have to drink up some good old Budweiser. You know that beer that doesn’t like to be fussed over.

Online stores I have tried:
Recommended by others:

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