Thursday 16 July 2015

Brewbot - the revolution continues...

I have held off on writing about Belfast's latest bar addition, firstly to get over the giddy excitement of it all, secondly to have a couple of visits under my belt and lastly to let them settle in.

If you don't live on this Isle you may not be aware of Brewbot, so what is it? Well, it is a company that produces a beer brewing robot of the same name. You can find out the full detail of how that began on their Kickstarter page or on their own website.

So not content with all this robotic brewing malarkey they have decided to open up a bar, and what a bar it is. Let's deal with the important stuff first, what's the beer selection like? Amazing for somewhere in Belfast, never mind anywhere else in UK/Ireland. We firstly have 12 taps, 10 of which are rotating (the remaining 2 would appear to have to be Diageo beers) which you can check out what is currently on offer on their online tap list (I was the beer wanker who asked for that, you can thank me with a beer if you see me in my new home... sorry, Brewbot). The beers they have managed to get on keg have been impressive, Founders Breakfast Stout being a particular highlight so far. You can also get tasting flights, either 4 or 8 beers. The 8 is great if there are two of you. Then we have the bottle selection, which at last count I think is around 145 different beers. Everything from 3 Fonteinen to Founders All Day IPA. From what I hear this selection will grow and the taps will continue to pour different and hard to get brews from around the world. Oh and before I forget you can buy to take home at a 10% discount of the bar prices.

If you are the designated driver, want to do some surfing on their free wifi or just fancy coming in to soak up the atmosphere (I hear people do that) they have that covered. They brew some 3FE coffee in a spacecraft looking coffee machine, or if tea is your thing they are also brewing Suki Tea. I am sure they have some awesome soft drinks tucked away somewhere, but I will probably not be looking for them, or the coffee/tea options to be fair.

The space itself is very stripped back but not lacking in attention to detail and with a very relaxed vibe. Having been in the previous bars that inhabited this building they have managed to let more light in and make it feel roomier than any of its predecessors. The staff I have encountered have all been enthusiastic, helpful and friendly. They have obviously taken an interest in what they are serving. What more could you want. The few visits I have had so far I have thoroughly enjoyed because of all these aspects and it is a place where I can be a beer geek surrounded by beer geeks. Freely chatting about beers with the bar staff and patrons alike, in fact, the main big table running up the centre of the bar positively encourages you to chat to those around you.

People sitting around the large table in the middle of Brewbot

So what does the future hold? Well as mentioned above, more beery goodness is on the cards as they source more difficult to get beers from around the world. The kitchen is still not open but I hear that although they could open it, they want to spend the time in getting it right and do it properly. Fair play to them for that. They have also just installed their own brewery upstairs, so we can expect to be tasting their pilot brews downstairs. I managed to have their first beer on draft, their Pale Ale; next to no carbonation, hints of roasted coconut and vanilla like it had been bourbon barrel aged, but I was assured it wasn't, and a bit of medicinal finish. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I quite liked it.

So with more beers, pilot beers, food on the go, I can see myself being quite the frequent customer. I recommend you check it out yourself, only then you will you understand the experience and what it means for the Belfast beer scene.

My name is Bruce!

PS) Photo credits go to Filly Campbell check out his awesome photos here.

PPS) Due to a recent trip to Copenhagen (more on that to come) and a few other bottles I am now up to 219 on my 1001 Beers to try before you die quest.

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